5 Simple Rules: How To Come Up With A Secure Password?


Strong passwords form the first defense against cybercrime. Though they’re no longer the sole protector of accounts and applications, passwords still play an essential role in all companies’ and individuals’ data protection plans.

You should be very attentive while generating complex passwords and keep the intruders at bay. Data loss is frustrating and significant loss as well. Hence, taking care of your accounts’ passwords is crucial.

5 Tips To Create Strong Password

Read on to know about five simple rules for how to create strong password to ensure maximum protection.

1. Make Passwords Unique

According to most Small Business IT Services, using the same passwords across multiple applications or websites is a great way to do cybercriminals’ work for them. Wondering why? It’s simple.

If cybercriminals breach a company’s data security protocols and gain access to employees’ login details, they will see all of their passwords. Hackers know that most people aren’t trying to keep track of dozens of unique passwords, so they often assume that the same ones will gain them access to multiple accounts. More often than not, they’re right.

Once hackers gain access to a user’s password, they’ll be able to access a wide range of sensitive data associated with any account that uses the same one. Using unique passwords eliminates that problem. Even if one account gets compromised, all the rest of a user’s data will still be safe.

2. Create Longer Passwords

Even completely unique passwords are only as helpful as they are strong. Cybercriminals can crack passwords with five mixed characters in 10 seconds or less and eight-character numerical passwords instantly.

An 18-character password composed of mixed numbers, upper and lowercase letters, and symbols, on the other hand, will be nearly impossible to crack.

3. Mix Characters

These days, most websites and apps require users to create strong password before they can activate their accounts. Most need users to include, at a minimum, uppercase, and lowercase letters, at least one number, and at least one symbol.

It’s safer to incorporate the non-alphabetical characters into the middle of the password than adding them all at the end, and the safest solution yet is to use a random password generator.

Need to come up with a password that’s long, complicated, but relatively easy to remember? Try starting with four random and unrelated short words, then add an uppercase letter to each and separate them with different numbers and symbols.

Also, remember that it’s outstanding to create passwords that are longer than necessary, but don’t skimp on the length just because a website requires only eight characters.

4. Use a Password Manager

The problem with strong passwords is that they’re not just challenging to crack. They’re also harder to remember. The best way to keep all of those passwords straight is to either write them down in a secure location and update the list each time a password gets changed or use a high-security password manager.

Password managers come with their own risks, of course, but breaches are less common than people think. People who opt to use this solution should find a password manager that stores data in one safe, secure location, and they should make sure the password for their manager is complicated to crack.

5. Pick A PassPhrase

Have you heard about PassPhrase? Let me explain to you. A Passphrase is a sentence made of multiple words with a mix of symbols and numbers that are less likely to be cracked. You can generate lengthy, complex passcodes that are easily memorable as it is better than traditional passwords!

Example: Let’s choose a phrase – “I love New York City Skyline In The Night Time.” Now, you may take all the first letters of each word – “ilnycsitnt.” Make it more stronger, add uppercase letters, numbers, and symbols like – “Ilnycs#2itnt$” and keep the note of the special characters and their places.

Stay Protected

Passwords still form the backbone of individual data security plans. However, they can also be combined with more intensive security measures such as multi-factor authentication, tokens, and even biometric scans. Try to add these extra layers of security whenever possible, and when in doubt about whether sensitive data is safe, consult an online security expert.

Instead of using family names, nicknames, and simple patterns like 123, lion tiger while creating the passwords. Also, please don’t use the same passwords for all your accounts; it’s an excellent risk for your valuable data. Cyberpunks are so bright, and hence you need to follow effective strategies when generating the passcodes for your web assets.

3 thoughts on “5 Simple Rules: How To Come Up With A Secure Password?”

  1. Freedomcapitalinc

    Hello Nirmala,
    Thank you for sharing this article. For me, I always used to forget passwords. So I started using Passwords apps Where I can store all the passwords.
    I Like the 5th Point of the article.

  2. Amazing Nirmala mam,
    Nowadays passwords are most vulnerable to hackers and that’s why making them strong it’s our first most step. What I like the most is the “PassPhrase” part because I find it’s innovative and it was new to me. The tactics which you have shared are really amazing and can help individuals to create a stronger password that can be impossible to breach.

    Thanks & Regards

  3. Hi Nirmala,

    It was a great resource! Creating a secure password can be a challenge for several people. My parents often struggle with creating a secure password, and even when they do create one, they often forget it. I think your article will be appreciated by both of them. I will definitely be sharing this with them. Thanks a lot for curating such a helpful resource. I really enjoyed reading this. Looking forward to reading more posts in the future.

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